Before you even ask…Oh yes I did…and I would do it again if I had the chance. Here’s the thing, it was my anniversary, well our anniversary this weekend; 12 glorious years! Someone recently asked me, “what’s the secret?” and I responded, “we talk to each other!”
This isn’t a blog about relationships. This is a blog about food and sex. My anniversary involved both. I’ll tell you about the food part. As a surprise I was taken out to dinner to Chaya Downtown a fabulous eatery that was blessedly quiet aside from the massive Asian Holiday party that made the opening scene in Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom look like a church on Sunday…but I digress
The service was great, there was some confusion over what type of water we wanted that involved conversations between everyone who was working the floor and after a Bombay martini I almost had to break it off, but that aside all went well.
I had Valencia Paella…would I like to add a lobster tail? Yes I would, thank you and goodnight. We started with shrimp tempura sushi and finished with milk chocolate bread pudding and several Bombay Sapphire Martini’s. Look, I didn’t make it this far being sober…why start now? After all it’s my anniversary and I earned it!
I was then rewarded with gorgeous flowers (peonies), cards, Godiva’s and a fabulous book on my favorite vintage designer Vera. People, if you are not getting truffles from the one you love, please do something about it. I’ll even forgive if they are not Godiva’s or from Belgium, but please, please treat yourself. I’m telling you that you’re worth it.
Frugality Fatigue is on the rise and let’s hold hands and promise not to ever be frugal again! Well, at least not when it comes to chocolate. Amen. You see prayer can be good for you!
Look, I’d be unkind if I didn’t recommend that you see Black Swan or didnt read my article about it so I’m telling you, go go go see it!
Black Swan is a complex, twisted and eerily wonderful movie. It is driven by a multitude of themes of which I could expound for days, but I won’t. What I found remarkable about the experience of seeing the film was the crowd itself that was waiting to see it. While waiting in line the name of the movie was uttered so many times that at one point I wasn’t sure if people weren’t using it as a mantra.
“Is this the line for Black Swan?” Black Swan, Black Swan, Black Swan…it was as if we were all participating in some underground experience that should only be uttered in whispers. Everyone knew that what we were about to experience was going to be fantastic. I say all this to say this: with such an intense movie such as Black Swan, why was it that for days before, maybe weeks before, the only thing I heard or read about was the kiss between Mila Kunis (wonderful) and Natalie Portman (sublime)?
Is a scene that involves two women kissing still a shocker? Does anyone remember The Hunger starring Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve? You want a lesbian scene to talk about, let’s start there. That movie came out in the 80’s and it is that scene that stands out to me as the best Lesbian scene in a movie. It is tasteful, erotic, sensual and beautiful. Now so many years later the internet is abuzz about Portman and Kunis as if we have never seen this before. In a world where people are constantly claiming to be desensitized, how is it that this type of thing is still off the charts enough to generate so much buzz? Especially in a movie as complex as Black Swan, how is it that what people are claiming is shocking is the love scene between the two women? Without divulging to much, the said scene is erotic and well done and I will declare it very brave indeed for both women to participate in it but let me also say it was NOT the part of the movie that made me almost start clapping.
I won’t say anymore about it. I’ve said enough. Hit me up tho once you peep it and tell me what you think.
Oh by the way my dirty little romance is out and about and ready for the buying so be kind support an up and coming erotica writer! Do your part to support erotic gay romance…you know you want to. I also sold a second work that will be coming out for Valentine’s Day and have started working on a Cowboy themed story ( I know some of you are laughing) but what can I say? I write what people want and am happy to be able to turn people on with my words. One day I’ll return to my horror roots…or not. Danielle Steele, Stephen King, it’s all semantics.
Speaking of Stephen King (and when really am I not) I came across one of his books called Under the Dome that seemed intriguing, has anyone read it? It looked like it was about 10,000 pages. Frankly, I’m not sure I can do it. I finished The Scarlet Letter and have moved on to my other literary nemisis The World According to Garp. I will finish it I will I will. Both books are actually wonderful. I love Garp, it’s just taking me forever to read it. I am also firmly planted in the Arthurian saga The Mists of Avalon and really am to invested to jump ship at this point.

It seems I am destined to read epics right now and will do so with grace. Even after all this said, is it not criminal to admit that I am still fantasizing about that luscious, horribly rich milk chocolate bread pudding? A word to the wise…never admit you don’t like chocolate, it’s like admitting there is something wrong with you…and there is!
This isn’t a blog about relationships. This is a blog about food and sex. My anniversary involved both. I’ll tell you about the food part. As a surprise I was taken out to dinner to Chaya Downtown a fabulous eatery that was blessedly quiet aside from the massive Asian Holiday party that made the opening scene in Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom look like a church on Sunday…but I digress
The service was great, there was some confusion over what type of water we wanted that involved conversations between everyone who was working the floor and after a Bombay martini I almost had to break it off, but that aside all went well.
I had Valencia Paella…would I like to add a lobster tail? Yes I would, thank you and goodnight. We started with shrimp tempura sushi and finished with milk chocolate bread pudding and several Bombay Sapphire Martini’s. Look, I didn’t make it this far being sober…why start now? After all it’s my anniversary and I earned it!
I was then rewarded with gorgeous flowers (peonies), cards, Godiva’s and a fabulous book on my favorite vintage designer Vera. People, if you are not getting truffles from the one you love, please do something about it. I’ll even forgive if they are not Godiva’s or from Belgium, but please, please treat yourself. I’m telling you that you’re worth it.
Frugality Fatigue is on the rise and let’s hold hands and promise not to ever be frugal again! Well, at least not when it comes to chocolate. Amen. You see prayer can be good for you!
Look, I’d be unkind if I didn’t recommend that you see Black Swan or didnt read my article about it so I’m telling you, go go go see it!
Black Swan is a complex, twisted and eerily wonderful movie. It is driven by a multitude of themes of which I could expound for days, but I won’t. What I found remarkable about the experience of seeing the film was the crowd itself that was waiting to see it. While waiting in line the name of the movie was uttered so many times that at one point I wasn’t sure if people weren’t using it as a mantra.
“Is this the line for Black Swan?” Black Swan, Black Swan, Black Swan…it was as if we were all participating in some underground experience that should only be uttered in whispers. Everyone knew that what we were about to experience was going to be fantastic. I say all this to say this: with such an intense movie such as Black Swan, why was it that for days before, maybe weeks before, the only thing I heard or read about was the kiss between Mila Kunis (wonderful) and Natalie Portman (sublime)?
Is a scene that involves two women kissing still a shocker? Does anyone remember The Hunger starring Susan Sarandon and Catherine Deneuve? You want a lesbian scene to talk about, let’s start there. That movie came out in the 80’s and it is that scene that stands out to me as the best Lesbian scene in a movie. It is tasteful, erotic, sensual and beautiful. Now so many years later the internet is abuzz about Portman and Kunis as if we have never seen this before. In a world where people are constantly claiming to be desensitized, how is it that this type of thing is still off the charts enough to generate so much buzz? Especially in a movie as complex as Black Swan, how is it that what people are claiming is shocking is the love scene between the two women? Without divulging to much, the said scene is erotic and well done and I will declare it very brave indeed for both women to participate in it but let me also say it was NOT the part of the movie that made me almost start clapping.
I won’t say anymore about it. I’ve said enough. Hit me up tho once you peep it and tell me what you think.
Oh by the way my dirty little romance is out and about and ready for the buying so be kind support an up and coming erotica writer! Do your part to support erotic gay romance…you know you want to. I also sold a second work that will be coming out for Valentine’s Day and have started working on a Cowboy themed story ( I know some of you are laughing) but what can I say? I write what people want and am happy to be able to turn people on with my words. One day I’ll return to my horror roots…or not. Danielle Steele, Stephen King, it’s all semantics.
Speaking of Stephen King (and when really am I not) I came across one of his books called Under the Dome that seemed intriguing, has anyone read it? It looked like it was about 10,000 pages. Frankly, I’m not sure I can do it. I finished The Scarlet Letter and have moved on to my other literary nemisis The World According to Garp. I will finish it I will I will. Both books are actually wonderful. I love Garp, it’s just taking me forever to read it. I am also firmly planted in the Arthurian saga The Mists of Avalon and really am to invested to jump ship at this point.
It seems I am destined to read epics right now and will do so with grace. Even after all this said, is it not criminal to admit that I am still fantasizing about that luscious, horribly rich milk chocolate bread pudding? A word to the wise…never admit you don’t like chocolate, it’s like admitting there is something wrong with you…and there is!
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