I should go back a bit...I did see the the mustard pot dressing recipe and I DID make it before and it was extremely delicious and being I had even less Dijon this time than that I figured it would be even better...
here is the RECIPE for the dressing!
Back to the sardines. so the dressing was made in the said mustard pot with a flourish, a shake and even some amazing dark amber wildflower honey that I so love. Dressing made, greens washed and slightly seasoned with a little lemon pepper and sea salt and voila there go the leftover veggies. The broccoli was so hopeful. Down goes a splash of the dressing and plop there goes the oily and extra yummy looking olive oil sardines...I was so excited...oh and wait how about a few triscuits just because...I need some crunch. I made an ice water gathered my lunch and went to sit back down and write my sex advice column that had suddenly came so clear as to what it would be about...I forked up a delightful bite, fish, lettuce, veg and that lovely mustard pot dressing...and there it goes down the hatch. It was good...I was happy and went about eating but suddenly, and not entirely like Ripley discovering her first alien...I saw what looked like a worm. I dropped my fork...my god...what was it? It was white, pearly almost in the mid-afternoon sunlight filtering through my blinds..it was definitely a worm, but wait...was it?
I pushed my fork against it, did it move or was I losing my mind? I could no longer be sure as my imagination had already taken flight and I knew I would not be able to eat the rest of the salad regardless of what it was...I pressed the fork down on the offending organism only to have it virtually melt under the pressure. Sure I may have squashed it as if it were not a measly worm but possibly a demon from hell...but how did it just fall apart? I looked around half expecting to see Steven King or the Crypt Keeper leering at me over the sofa.
It was just then that I found a second one and upon closer inspection realized that the offending worms were actually the spinal cords of the sardines...this did NOT make it any less horrendous and it was at this moment of clarity that i rushed to the kitchen and dumped the entire plate of food into the trash. I should have just had tuna.